Student Login
Enter your credentials below and click on 'Submit' to proceed.
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There are no payments made in the past.
- Transaction Id:
- Payment Ref No:
- {{((feeDetail.txnAmt*1) + (feeDetail.surchargeAmnt*1)).toFixed(2) | indianRupFormat}}
- Summary:
- Total: {{feeDetail.txnAmt | indianRupFormat}}
- Surcharge
- {{feeDetail.surchargeAmnt | indianRupFormat}}
- Net-total: {{((feeDetail.txnAmt*1) + (feeDetail.surchargeAmnt*1)) | indianRupFormat}}
Fees-Group | Amount | Late Fees | Total | |||||
{{customerFeeDetails.feeHeadAmt | indianRupFormat}} | {{customerFeeDetails.feeHeadLateFee | indianRupFormat}} | {{customerFeeDetails.feeHeadTotalAmt | indianRupFormat}} | ||||||
Refund Details
# | Fees-Group | Sub-Fees | Amount | Refund On | Refund ID |
({{refund.optionName}}) |