Scheduled Bills - Help

Transaction ID - Is the unique reference number generated by BillDesk for every payment that you schedule. The Transaction ID can be used for any of your inquiries to BillDesk. You can click on the Transaction ID to view details of your bill.

Till when can I edit my payment instruction? - You can modify or cancel your payment instruction till your specified "Pay on" date. For example, if you specified a "pay on date" 5 days from today, you will be able to edit your instruction till 2330 hours (11.30 pm) on the fifth day.

Status - Refers to the current position of your payment instruction, which can have one of the following status:
  1. Scheduled - is a payment instruction issued by you, but not yet sent for processing by BillDesk.
  2. Delivered - is a payment instruction that has been sent for processing by BillDesk and is currently underway in the clearing and settlement process.
  3. Paid - is a payment instruction that has been successfully cleared and settled, ie your account has been debited to provide payment to your biller/payee.
  4. Failed - is a payment instruction that hasn't been successfully cleared and settled, ie it has been returned undebited. The reasons for non-debit include - account closed/transferred (01), account does not exist (02), account description does not tally (03), insufficient funds balance (04), or any other reason (05).
Action - You can Edit a "Scheduled" payment instruction or Archive a "Paid"/"Failed" payment instruction.
  1. Edit - Click on the Edit button beside the payment instruction to change the Pay Amt, Pay on (date) or Pay from fields that you had entered earlier. If you accept the changes, this modified instruction can be viewed in the "Scheduled Bills" folder. If you delete the instruction, you can stop this payment instruction. The original bill will appear back in the "New Bills" folder. You can edit a payment instruction only until close of banking hours of the Pay on date.
  2. Archive - Select the "Paid" and "Unpaid" payment instructions that you wish to archive and click on the Archive button. These instructions will now appear in the "Bill Archives" folder.